Jakarta, reproductive health is influenced by various factors. In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the use of contraceptives also play an important role in maintaining reproductive health such as preventing transmission of venereal diseases and reduce maternal mortality.
Unfortunately the needs of contraception in Indonesia could not reach all levels of society. Based on studies conducted Yayasan Mitra Inti reproductive needs in the community that are available currently only 9.1%.
Society, especially poor citizens rarely provides special funding for contraceptive purchases. As a result, lack of contraceptive use was made of the birth rate high on nutrition without pregnant women.
"If the pregnancy would lead to undesirable increase in maternal mortality because many had abortions," said Laily Hanifah, SKM, MKes the show "10 Years of Reflection Yayasan Mitra Inti 'at Warung Daun, Jakarta, Thursday (3/9/2009) .
Reproductive health is essential for anyone in the establishment of the quality of a person during their life cycle. If good reproductive health will produce a generation that is also good, but if the worst reproductive health of the future generation will produce less quality.
Reproductive health is a healthy and prosperous state of physical, mental and social. Not merely the absence of disease or disorders of the reproductive system, function or process of reproduction itself. The concept is to produce a healthy human being that can improve the welfare of society.
"Among the objectives of MDG 8 which includes the target in the field of reproductive health that is encourages gender equality and empower women, improve maternal health and combating HIV-AIDS and other diseases," he said.
In fact, one measure of Human Development Index (HDI) of a state indicated by life expectancy which includes health components. Indonesia is currently ranked 170th out of 177 countries in the world. HDI indicators are also in line with the target of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which have been implemented since 2000 last year.
Contraceptive needs unmet can lead to increased maternal mortality. Will occur because an unwanted pregnancy, thus triggering the occurrence of unsafe abortion.
"The impact of unsafe abortion is large enough, because it contributed 50 per cent in the number of maternal mortality due to bleeding and infection," says Laily who is Director of Yayasan Mitra Inti.
In Indonesia, abortion is still a controversy, so many places that provide abortion services illegal or unsafe. This can harm the pregnant mother. In addition to causes of death in women, illegal abortion is less likely to use sterile instruments, so the possibility of contracting venereal disease and other infections is very large. The result can damage the reproductive health of the mother.
Current contraceptive needs are not met well, because it is still a lot of abortions happen in the community. Community should also know that contraception is not only prevents pregnancy, but also can keep a person's reproductive health from a variety of infectious diseases that can damage the reproductive system.
In order to reduce the infant mortality rate is related to improving maternal health, how to reduce maternal mortality by 75 percent. Maternal mortality can occur due to direct causes such as bleeding, infection and toxicity pregnancy and indirect causes of what happened leading direct cause of it.
"The cause is not immediately aware that it must in order to reduce maternal mortality," said Dr. dr. Sabarinah Prasetyo, MSc as Partner Foundation Board of Trustees of this nucleus.
Mitra Inti Foundation reported that there were some problems that led to high maternal mortality are:
1. Too late to recognize the symptoms or disorders in pregnancy.
2. Late decision to go to the clinic.
3. Blocked in the journey from home to the hospital.
4. Lack of nutrition during pregnancy.
Role of public, private and important governments in handling the issues of reproductive health and sexuality, so that people in any area can maintain good reproductive health and contraceptive needs will be fulfilled for anyone.
If you have a good reproductive health, it will produce the next generation a healthier nation and could promote Indonesia. And use contraception correctly, so that could protect your reproductive health.
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