Detection Tool Lung Cancer The Cheap

Monday, August 31, 2009

London, 1 cancer killer in the world, lung cancer can now be detected early, accurate and inexpensive. So far, many sufferers are not helped because of late detection. Now, there are inexpensive tools and accurate by using nano particle technology.

A sensor made of nano particles of gold can detect possible cancer of the lung and the patient's breath became the latest alternative diagnosis before the patient has a tumor or lung cancer.

According to the developers of these tools, the price offered for that detector can be relatively cheap and accessible by the doctor or hospital and with 86 percent accuracy rate.

By using the sensor technology of gold nano particles, the tool can detect specific components or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the breath of someone who has the risk of lung cancer.

Previously, the breath test to detect the existence of the VOC never applied in the medical world in 2006, using trained dogs who can smell a component of cancer in one breath, but a lower accuracy level.

Lung cancer currently ranks first of this type of cancer that causes the most deaths in men and women.

Because the symptoms are vague and not really felt, the patient was often missed, and finally when they have been dealt with medical experts can not be saved anymore.

"Conventional diagnostic methods for lung cancer are currently tend to be expensive and is less accurate, even tumors was sometimes not detected. But with the latest tools now, the risk of lung cancer can be detected with more sensitive, efficient and effective because it is portable, "said Hossam Haick, one of the researchers who wrote his findings in Nature Nanotechnology, as reported by Reuters on Monday (31.8.2009).

Currently, lung cancer kills 1.3 million people each year, only 15 percent of patients have survived over 5 years since the late deteksinya.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

DR.dr. Noorwati S. SpPD.KHOM

Cancer treatment depends on the type or types of cancer and where the cancer. Age, general health condition of patients and treatment system also affects the process of cancer treatment. The main treatment of cancer is through:
1. Surgery or surgery
2. Chemotherapy drugs
3. Radiotherapy or use of radiation beams

In general, typically used for more than one kind of treatment on the way, such as surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy, treatment sometimes used with 3 combination (surgery, radiotherapy and kemotarapi).

The main goal is to raise cancer surgery as a whole because the cancer can be cured only if it is not able to spread elsewhere. While chemotherapy and riadiasi aims to kill cancer cells or stop the growth of cancer cells remaining.

Chemotherapy Benefit

Chemotherapy is a treatment process by using drugs that aim to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells. Many drugs used in chemotherapy.

The benefits of chemotherapy are:

1. Medical

Some types of cancer can be cured completely with one type of chemotherapy or some type of chemotherapy.

2. Control

Chemotherapy is intended to prevent cancer development in order not to grow or spread to other tissues.

3. Reduce symptoms

If kemotarapi can not eliminate the cancer, the chemotherapy is given aims to reduce the symptoms that arise in patients, such as ease the pain and give a better feeling and reduce the size of the area kenker attacked.

Providing Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can be given by infusion, direct injection (muscle, under the skin, body cavity) and how to drink (tablets / capsules). Chemotherapy can be given in a hospital or clinic. Sometimes need to stay, depending on the type of drug used. Types chemotherapy and duration depending on the type of cancer and drug use.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

Side effects can occur when treatment is carried out or some time after treatment. Side effects that can arise are:

1. Weak

Common side effects arise. Emergence can be sudden or slow. Not straight away with rest, sometimes lasted until the end of treatment.

2. Nausea and Vomiting

There are some chemotherapy drugs are more make nausea and vomiting. In addition there are some people who are prone to nausea and vomiting. This can be prevented with anti-nausea drugs given before / during / after chemotherapy treatment.

Nausea vomiting can be brief or long.

3. Indigestion

Some types of chemotherapy drugs have an effect diarrhea. Some even become severe diarrhea with dehydration should be treated. Constipation can sometimes happen.

If diarrhea: subtract fiber foods, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty to replace lost fluids.

When hard CHAPTER: multiply fibrous food, gentle exercise if possible

4. Sprue

Some chemotherapy drugs cause mouth diseases such as thick or infection. Healthy condition of the mouth is very important in chemotherapy

5. Hair Loss

Temporary hair loss, usually occurs two or three weeks after chemotherapy begins. Can also cause broken hair near the scalp. Can occur after several weeks of therapy. Hair can grow back after chemotherapy is complete.

6. Muscles and Nerves

Some chemotherapy drugs cause tingling and numbness in fingers or toes and weakness in leg muscles. Much can happen in the muscle pain.

7. Effect on Blood

Some types of chemotherapy drugs can affect the bone marrow which is a manufacturer of blood cells, thus decreasing the number of blood cells. The most common is the decrease in white blood cells (leokosit). The decrease of blood cells occur in every chemotherapy and blood tests will be carried out before the next chemotherapy to ensure that blood cell count has returned to normal. Decrease in the number of blood cells can lead to:

A. Susceptible to infection

This is due leokosit Because the number of falls, because it is leokosit blood cells that function to protect against infection. There are several drugs that can increase the number of leokosit.

B. Bleeding

Platelets (thrombocytes) play a role in the process of blood clotting. Decrease in the number of platelets resulted in bleeding difficult to stop, bruises, red spots on the skin.

C. Anemia

Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells are characterized by a decrease in Hb (hemoglobin). Because of its location in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. Anemia is due to be feeling a weak, easily tired and looking pale.

8. The skin can become dry and change color

More sensitive to the sun.

Nails grow more slowly and there are white lines across.

Some things to consider to determine the type of chemotherapy given is:

· Costs or prices of such chemotherapy.

· Adequate facilities; possibilities for control and surveillance.

· Protocol chemotherapy.

· General state of the body and of disease or other weaknesses that accompany.

Each drug has different side effects!

The reaction of each person in each cycle is different!

Each side effects are temporary and reduced if therapy is stopped. Consider and discuss with your doctor: Lucky vs. Loss.

Terms someone gets chemotherapy:

· Good organ function.

· Type of red blood cells and white blood enough.

· No fever.

· No bleeding.

· Can perform everyday activities alone (healthy)

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Body Weights

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

UC-321 represents a new generation of body weights. UC-321 is the only body weights 50g resolution (and the capacity to weigh 150kg.) Forms a fashionable.

These scales measure allows the users to accurately and consistently their body weight,
Proven in use by professional athletes, the standard for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) national and international in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam to measure the precision of children suffering malnutrition and dialysis patients.
Standard feature data memory 31, automatic calculation of body weight index (BMI), and the function of setting a target weight to help users plan a lifestyle more healthy. Software (Diary of weight) is also available for free to help you in weight management plan / load your.
• 50g Resolution
• Maximum Capacity 150kg
• Setting target weight
• 31 memory function
• automatic calculation of body weight index (BMI)
• Very Low Profile is Easy To Stepping on the scales
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How to Overcome Natural Hypertension

Hypertension need to be addressed so as not to cause a more severe Problem, such as heart attack, stroke or kidney. The way he started from using the herb until the relaksation.People temper or anger is often not necessarily high blood blood pressure or suffer from high blood pressure. Sometimes even, people who suffer from hypertension is in fact not feel anything. High blood pressure could only be known when measured by tension meters.

Blood pressure is considered normal when its value is still around 120/80 mmHg (systolic reading 120 mmHg, diastolic 80 mm Hg). A person can be said to have hypertension if their blood pressure reached 140/90 mm Hg. Generally heart beats 70 times per minute, and every pulse, blood is pumped throughout the body via the blood vessels, causing pressure inside the artery. Peak of pressure is called systolic pressure. Furthermore heart stopped momentarily so that the blood in, and a heart ready for the next pulse. Quiet phase between two pulses, which causes pressure on the artery down to the lowest point is called the diastolic pressure.

Many cases are not visible signs of obvious when someone suffering from high blood pressure. But there are some things that can be used as a benchmark. For example, related to lifestyle, such as obesity, drinking habits, minumam alcohol, smoking habits, often hit by stress, too much to consume foods high in fat, cholesterol and salt, foods and beverages that contain preservatives, lots of drinking caffeinated drinks, etc..

There are two forms of hypertension, namely essential hypertension and secondary hypertension. Essential hypertension is hypertension that can not be accurately described mechanism. The number of sufferers could reach 90-95 percent of all patients. Unable to get to know why this disease, could have a family history of a factor that contributes to this type of hypertension.

Secondary hypertension caused by parenkhim kidney disease, renal vascular disease, endocrine disorders, due to drug use, etc.. This type of hypertension patients amounted to 10 percent of patients.

Some people are quite sensitive hypertension, usually complain of headache, feel tired and uncomfortable on the neck, feeling around until the seventh round to feel like fall, or pounding heartbeat was rapid, ringing in the ears, etc.. If we feel these symptoms, it helps to start measuring blood pressure with the tension meter and if his blood pressure was high enough that we can control the tension and trying to lower it.

Hypertension could mean any time may experience paralysis and even death from stroke, coronary heart disease and kidney dysfunction. Patients are also likely to have other diseases along with diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), hiperfungsion thyroid gland (hyperthyroid), rheumatism, gout, high blood fat levels (hyperlipidemia), and so on. Another problem is the disruption of the function or the occurrence of damage various organs such as damage to the brain, heart, kidneys and eyes due to hypertension.

Hypertension can be overcome by controlling the proper diet is a lot of fiber, low fat and low salt to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and grains. Avoid processed foods that contain lots of sodium. Drinks were worth noting, according to the study, caffeine-containing beverages can also increase blood pressure, at least for a while. Also multiply foods containing potassium and magnesium of 800 mg of calcium and 300 mg of magnesium according to research can also lower blood pressure.

There are other alternatives, namely with relaxation techniques is one of them with yoga or a massage, reflexology and shiatsu. Could also visualization techniques or with acupuncture. Other ways can also approach the root of psychological problems, in addition to changing lifestyles and habits.

Source: HealthToday Magazine
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stethoscope (Greek: stethos, chest and skopeein, check) is an acoustic medical device for checking the sound in the body. He used to hear heart and breathing, although he also used to hear the intestine and blood flow in the arteries and the "vein".
Stethoscope found in France in 1816 by René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec. It consists of a wooden tube is empty. It is said he invented the stethoscope so that he does not need to put his ear on the French woman's breasts. It is unclear whether Laennec trying to avoid it, or to avoid the embarrassment of patients. However, people say that "Necessity is the mother of invention".

There are two types of stethoscopes: acoustic and electronic.
Acoustic stethoscope most commonly used, and operated by channeling the sound from the chest, through an empty tube of air, the listener's ear. Section "chestpiece" usually consists of two sides that can diletakaan the patient's body to make it sound; a diaphgram (plastic disk) or "bell" (empty bowl).
If diaphgram placed in the patient, body sounds vibrate diaphgram, creating acoustic pressure waves that run up to the listener's ear tubes. When the "bell" is placed in the skin of the patient's body directly getarakn produces acoustic pressure waves that went into the listener's ears. Bell channeling low frequency sounds, while the frequency channel diaphgram higher voice. Two-sided stethoscope was invented by Rappaport and Sprague in the early 20th century. The problem with acoustic stethoscopes is the sound level is very low, making diagnosis difficult.
Electronic stethoscopes overcome the low sound levels by strengthening the body's voice. Currently, there are several companies offer electronic stethoscopes, and maybe in a few years, the electronic stethoscope will be more common than an acoustic stethoscope.
Stethoscope is used as a tool to diagnose certain diseases. Stethoscope can channel a certain sound and mute the others. Before the stethoscope was found, doctors put his ear close to the patient's body hoping to hear something.
Stethoscope is often considered a symbol of physician work, because doctors often seen or depicted with a stethoscope hanging around his neck.
Stethoscope is also used by mechanics to isolate a particular sound from the engine to diagnosis.
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