Hypertension need to be addressed so as not to cause a more severe Problem, such as heart attack, stroke or kidney. The way he started from using the herb until the relaksation.People temper or anger is often not necessarily high blood blood pressure or suffer from high blood pressure. Sometimes even, people who suffer from hypertension is in fact not feel anything. High blood pressure could only be known when measured by tension meters.
Blood pressure is considered normal when its value is still around 120/80 mmHg (systolic reading 120 mmHg, diastolic 80 mm Hg). A person can be said to have hypertension if their blood pressure reached 140/90 mm Hg. Generally heart beats 70 times per minute, and every pulse, blood is pumped throughout the body via the blood vessels, causing pressure inside the artery. Peak of pressure is called systolic pressure. Furthermore heart stopped momentarily so that the blood in, and a heart ready for the next pulse. Quiet phase between two pulses, which causes pressure on the artery down to the lowest point is called the diastolic pressure.
Many cases are not visible signs of obvious when someone suffering from high blood pressure. But there are some things that can be used as a benchmark. For example, related to lifestyle, such as obesity, drinking habits, minumam alcohol, smoking habits, often hit by stress, too much to consume foods high in fat, cholesterol and salt, foods and beverages that contain preservatives, lots of drinking caffeinated drinks, etc..
There are two forms of hypertension, namely essential hypertension and secondary hypertension. Essential hypertension is hypertension that can not be accurately described mechanism. The number of sufferers could reach 90-95 percent of all patients. Unable to get to know why this disease, could have a family history of a factor that contributes to this type of hypertension.
Secondary hypertension caused by parenkhim kidney disease, renal vascular disease, endocrine disorders, due to drug use, etc.. This type of hypertension patients amounted to 10 percent of patients.
Some people are quite sensitive hypertension, usually complain of headache, feel tired and uncomfortable on the neck, feeling around until the seventh round to feel like fall, or pounding heartbeat was rapid, ringing in the ears, etc.. If we feel these symptoms, it helps to start measuring blood pressure with the tension meter and if his blood pressure was high enough that we can control the tension and trying to lower it.
Hypertension could mean any time may experience paralysis and even death from stroke, coronary heart disease and kidney dysfunction. Patients are also likely to have other diseases along with diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), hiperfungsion thyroid gland (hyperthyroid), rheumatism, gout, high blood fat levels (hyperlipidemia), and so on. Another problem is the disruption of the function or the occurrence of damage various organs such as damage to the brain, heart, kidneys and eyes due to hypertension.
Hypertension can be overcome by controlling the proper diet is a lot of fiber, low fat and low salt to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables and grains. Avoid processed foods that contain lots of sodium. Drinks were worth noting, according to the study, caffeine-containing beverages can also increase blood pressure, at least for a while. Also multiply foods containing potassium and magnesium of 800 mg of calcium and 300 mg of magnesium according to research can also lower blood pressure.
There are other alternatives, namely with relaxation techniques is one of them with yoga or a massage, reflexology and shiatsu. Could also visualization techniques or with acupuncture. Other ways can also approach the root of psychological problems, in addition to changing lifestyles and habits.
Source: HealthToday Magazine
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